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General Conference Policies

     Even though we believe that having fun should have part in a MUN conference, we believe every participant should be aware of their status as a delegate and as a individual. Because of that we believe every delegate or organisation member must behave respectfully to everyone on the conference, every delegation should be made under control to avoid unconciously accepting a student that may cause any problem to the conference. And for spesific circumstances, everyone who is going to attend to our conference should obey the rules listed below.

  • Every delegate are expected to be in their committee hall during sessions.


  • Using or bringing any kind of tobbaco and alcohol to the conference is strictly out of order for all participants.


  • Sharp objects that may cause possible injuries and all kinds of weapons are prohibited.

Social Media

     Using any kind of social media during sessions are restricted and any kind of offensive content posted about SAMMUN or any participant during the conference is forbidden.

All the delegates may be filmed by SAMMUN’26 press members and media may be posted on SAMMUN social media accounts.

Advisor Requirements

     Every delegate should be respectful and kind to all SAMMUN staff member because of their extreme efforts and their countless hours of work to make the conference happen.

  • Every delegation should at least have one advisor.

  • Every 30 delegate population must get at least 1 advisor (for delegations)

Dress Code
  • All delegates are expected to dress formal and Western Business Atire is required during sessions. Although during events outside of committees delegates can wear informal but appropriate attire.

  • SAMMUN staff has the right to ask delegates to change their attire if its out of dress code.

Disrespectful and​ Prohibited Behaviour
  • Any kind of inappropriate act is strictly forbidden such as bullying and harassment. Every delegate must act respectful to other participants and if any individual spots any kind of violations they must report the act to the SAMMUN staff.

  • If the act gets proven, various consequences will follow regarding to the act.

     SAMMUN will take required acts for situations to ensure the safety of delegates and for enhancing the experience for all participants.

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